amwell logo white with registered tm amwell logo blue with registered tm

About us

We digitally empower our clients' healthcare ambitions. 

Doctor working and smiling

Transforming Care Delivery

 We bring together technology, services, and devices into a connected ecosystem of care that improves the clinician experience and provides better patient access throughout the care continuum.   


Our unwavering pursuit of better outcomes

It starts with our future-ready platform—a convergence of technologies, services and devices that enables care delivery at scale, anytime and any place.

But it’s not just products, it’s partnership. We connect and work alongside providers, payers and innovators to create an ecosystem of care that spans in-person, virtual and automated care. Powered by dedicated experts and industry-leading technology, we are committed to reliable execution.

Together with our clients, we deliver on the bold promise of transforming care delivery and making care more accessible to all. 

Explore what we offer:

Icon group of providers

For providers

Our comprehensive platform delivers a digitally-enabled care model across the entire patient journey.

Icon white background payers members care

For payers & employers

Our innovative platform seamlessly integrates the member digital care experience.

Payers & employers
Icon white background TV kit

Hardware for virtual care

Our CarepointTM solutions enable physicians and nurses to connect with patients at any time using purpose-built carts, TV kits, tablets and peripheral devices.

Virtual care hardware
Icon white background networking

Provider network

Extend clinical capacity with Amwell Medical Group®.

Provider network
  • 115+

    health systems

    in the U.S.

  • 50+

    health plan partners
  • ~3K

    active providers

    through Amwell Medical Group®

  • 100M+


    have Amwell as a covered benefit