Amwell CEO Address: Digital Care in 2023
Seventy percent of digital transformation initiatives fail to meet their goals, often because measurements for success are not well outlined prior to choosing a digital technology or existing systems are tweaked in an attempt to band aid current challenges. As your organization looks to mature digital care strategies, you need a partner and platform with the infrastructure, knowledge, and capabilities to help you achieve your ambitions.
For the past three years, Amwell has been building the Amwell Converge™ platform, a hybrid care enablement platform that can help you move beyond traditional telehealth to form a powerful, connected hybrid care ecosystem that interweaves in-person, automated and virtual care.
In this webinar, Amwell CEO Dr. Roy Schoenberg discussed:
- The future of digital care and what it means for the industry
- How the Converge platform can take a disjointed care experience and unify it across your ecosystem
- Why the Converge platform is different than anything else on the market today
Roy Schoenberg, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Amwell